AreaLogic Workplace Academy offers convenient, affordable online courses in current areas of workplace strategy and design.

Margaret Gilchrist Serrato, PhD AIA CSM MBA, created and leads all courses in real-time. Dr. Margaret has over thirty years of experience in workplace strategy and design. She was the national workplace strategist for ten years at Herman Miller. Before that, she practiced workplace design at two national architecture firms for over fifteen years.
For more info or to register, please email me at
Workplace Strategy Certificate Program
Master the evolution and implementation of progressive workplace design in this exclusive 3-session online course, limited to 5 participants. Ideal for workplace designers and furniture professionals, it provides a Workplace Strategist Certificate upon completion.

Scrum Team Space
Is your company creating space for your agile software development teams? This course illustrates best practices for designing workspaces for Scrum, Kanban, XP, and other agile teams.

Furniture for New Work Styles
Changing your workplace from offices and cubicles to a dynamic landscape with a variety of settings means navigating a whole new world of furniture and settings. This course provides a framework for selecting and placing furniture to support new work styles.

For more information or to sign-up for a class please email